找到9个回复 (用户: 弟妹)
shopt -s expand_aliases
可以了 谢谢大佬。只是,这nodejs代码里,哪一行是代表连接到了tty吗?(我不熟悉nodejs,但我还是能看得懂很多js的,即使是到ES2022)
我的理解跟编程语言无关,我是fork出来的子进程来启动bash命令,这个bash命令不会立刻退出,可以等待我输入,我就可以输入流写入数据,我称它为“交互式” 😂(1. 也可能默认开启了tty 2.也可能没有收到终止信号,所以一直等待)
和实际 交互式登录SHELL 非交互式登录SHELL概念是否一样,我并没有仔细研究
shopt is not a command, but a shell built-in. bash knows what to do with it because it's a bash built-in , but zsh has no idea what it is. You'll want to look into setopt which is a zsh built-in, and put those values into a new .zshrc script.
@无名啊,shopt 这个软件我电脑没有。。
22:50 测试发现,原来是我用的zsh没有。我没具体看这个报错,我明天再试试
shopt is not a command, but a shell built-in. bash knows what to do with it because it's a bash built-in , but zsh has no idea what it is. You'll want to look into setopt which is a zsh built-in, and put those values into a new .zshrc script.
@无名啊,以Node.js 创建子进程为例
import * as child from 'child_process' export async function execRequest(cmd: string, commands: string[]) { return new Promise((resolve) => { let spawnChild = child.spawn(cmd) spawnChild.stdout.on('data', ch => { console.log(ch.toString().trim()) }) spawnChild.stderr.on('data', ch => { console.log(ch.toString().trim()) }) spawnChild.on('exit', code => { console.log(code) }) commands.forEach((command) => { spawnChild.stdin.write(`${command}\n`) }) spawnChild.stdin.end('\nexit\n') }) } await execRequest('bash',['alias python233=python2','python233 --version 2>&1'])
以上代码 大概意思是,输入bash,并开启交互式shell
第一次流写入alias python233=python2 并且回车
第二次流写入python233 --version 2>&1 并且回车
PS: python --version竟然输出到错误流 真离谱
@无名啊,是的 因为我是子进程打开的shell 我无法做到输入两条命令,因为我不是在tty下进行输入的
@无名啊,抱歉 我不是用我举得例子测试的。我现在明白了,不加引号,是参数没有携带。并且会提示alias 没有ll参数