🚀 Features
- 🌐 Internet access for searches and information gathering
- 💾 Long-Term and Short-Term memory management
- 🧠 GPT-4 instances for text generation
- 🔗 Access to popular websites and platforms
- 🗃️ File storage and summarization with GPT-3.5
📋 Requirements
- Environment (pick one)
VSCode + devcontainer: It has been configured in the .devcontainer folder and can be used directly
Python 3.10 or later (instructions: for Windows)
- OpenAI API key
看起来很厉害,但是我的 api-key 余额过期不能用了。
@老虎会游泳,可以接入 hu60
@nzdwlm,@胡椒舰长 说他有key,你可以和他交流一下部署。